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Stephanie Duca Dog Training Services

Enriching the human-canine bond through knowledge, trust and obedience

Grammar School

GRAMMAR class is a six week class that works with 7 dogs per class.

If registering for this class, your dog should BE OLDER THAN 18 WEEKS OF AGE and HAVE NOT attended our puppy kindergarten class or HAVE NOT trained at our facility before. This class focuses on DOG BEHAVIORS, MANNERS as well as basic training commands such as the following:
  • LOOSE LEASH WALKING: Actually enjoying walks together!
  • CRATE TRAINING: Fun time, game time & nap time!
  • SIT: Say please
  • DOG MEETS DOG: Who's naughty, who's nice? Do they even like each other?
  • JUMPING / MOUTHING: Get off of me. No, my hand is not a chew toy!
  • HOUSEBREAKING: if applicable
  • COME: Coming to you when called
  • LEAVE IT: Don't even look at it
  • SIT WAIT: Wait here, I'll be right back
  • GREETING ETIQUETTE: With humans and dogs!
  • DOOR MANNERS: No more getting pulled through a door!