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Stephanie Duca Dog Training Services

Enriching the human-canine bond through knowledge, trust and obedience

Fine Tuning Fido

This is a drop in class. Pre-Registration is required. Each class is $30.
For this class: You must be a high school graduate or schedule a private consult to confirm 'readiness' for this class.
Your dog must be friendly around others. The approval of Stephanie is required for this class!
What's covered here?
Truth be told, there is no set curriculum for this class. With that being said, NO TWO ADVANCED/ INTRO TO OFF LEASH CLASSES ARE THE SAME!
The focus to start is learning how to communicate with our dogs without necessarily relying on a leash! Followed up with a lot more distractions, 'mental pressure' and whatever else I can get away with!
This class is great for fine tuning a students specific 'trouble area'. I welcome suggestions from students for things they'd like to cover and improve upon!