Through the years, I've worked with many 'rescues' making my sole goal, to finding them their 'forever home'. These dogs not only needed basic obedience skills but also needed their physical and emotional needs met as well, which in turn made them more adoptable. I spent many of those years training at various facilities and working with inspirational mentors to ensure I was being exposed to as many styles of training as possible in
order to accommodate the many breeds, temperaments and behaviors that may come my way! This was not just for the dogs but also their humans!
It was through these experiences with so many dogs that it seemed a 'natural next step' to work with dogs professionally. I have owned and raised many of my own dogs.
Some of the those breeds include, pug, boxer, Great Dane, Saint Bernard, English Bulldog, Doberman Pinscher, Olde English Bulldog and even a wolf hybrid!
Through the years, many have passed to the Rainbow Bridge.
My latest lessons are DOTTIE, an American Staffordshire and JOEY, an American Bulldog.
Dottie came to us a bit unexpectedly at the age of 3(ish). She is one of the sweetest 'block heads' I've had the privilege to share time with.
She is a perfect ambassador for her breed! She is a true confirmation of how forgiving dogs can be after living in a not so kind world.
I'm excited to watch this angel flourish in every way she wants and deserves!
Joey came to us in September of 2023 at 8 weeks old. This was a welcome home we haven't experienced in a long time.
With our last rescue Bubba coming home at the age of 10.50 years old? We knew we were in for some change!
Make no mistake, we have no regrets adopting a senior. Actually, it was one of the best decisions we've ever made and I'm sure we'll do it again. We are sad he has passed over the rainbow bridge.
During his short 1.5 year stay, Bubba was a perfect gentleman that gave us just as much love, loyalty and lessons, if not more than any dog staying
for a life time. He was a clear reminder of why I started to work with dogs so many years ago.
The love we will always have for this "old man" was what made our decision to find a "mini Bubba".
Joey is a sweet boy with some big paws to fill! He's growing and learning so fast! I have to remind myself that he's still
a baby. Being a BIG puppy, he follows his sister Dotties EVERY move and just wants to play!
Joey has graduated PUPPY KINDERGARTEN and has earned his AKC S.T.A.R. PUPPY.
He has been training in a way unlike any of our previous dogs.
Instead of taking a class and moving to the next level, he has been attending/participating in all various classes when he comes to school.
I'm proud to say he's already proving to be a wonderful assistant. He's more than happy to show students how to do certain tasks.
He's also very patient at waiting on the side lines while mom instructs the class.
Should you visit our Facebook page, you might see Joey in some graduation pictures listed as the schools "mascot in training".
It won't be long before the words "in training" will no longer follow the word mascot! We look forward to sharing our adventures!
Welcome to our world Joey!
I became an AKC certified tester in 2010 I'm proud to say, I started doing privates and teaching classes at The Right Paw in Princeton.
Soon after running classes, I realized if humans were going to trust me to get them places I had never been, I needed to go there!
So, I took a step out of my comfort zone and started to compete. From there, Peggy and I achieved several titles and had so much fun!
Peggy earned her CGC(canine good citizen), RN (rally novice), RI (rally intermediate) RA (rally advanced), TDN( tricks dog novice) TDI(tricks dog intermediate) and then
came her AD(achiever dog)! The AKC recognizes multiple titles as an achievement that it is!
I am certified for judging, testing, temperment testing, as well a certifying you and your canine in achieving your
CGC (canine good citizen) and all levels of tricks titles! I continue to be a proud member of the APDT( association of professional dog trainers)
constantly working on furthering my list of professional titles through educational seminars and clinics for dog professionals! During all of these achievements, I've guided and
helped hundreds of dogs with their humans achieve their own personal goals as a team together.
With that being said, here we are! Moving forward with students and their canine pals!
Allowing all to reach goals they always wished for but didn't think possible! The reality is, when another dog and their human achieve, I have also achieved!
It's my honor to be a part of it all! Welcome to Stephanies dog training where we grow and achieve together!