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Stephanie Duca Dog Training Services

Enriching the human-canine bond through knowledge, trust and obedience

Therapy Dog

Otherwise known as Therapy dog international,Pet partners,The Bright and Beautiful
These are just a few organizations now certifying therapy dogs to become the best therapy dogs for those that benefit from the love of a dog!
With so many organizations now offering this certification,it was time to make some adjustments and changes to our therapy curriculum in order to accommodate ALL organizations and their testing requirements!

To attend this course, the student must be a CGC (canine good citizen) graduate and have earned their CGC certificate. Whether or not you want to acquire your therapy certification, this 6 week course takes you and your dog to a new level!

This class not only prepares you for the Therapy test to become a certified therapy team. It also brings FOCUS
and DISTRACTIONS (of any kind)
to a whole new level!

This training is for YOU and YOUR DOG. Learning to remain "calm" during many activities while being EXPOSED to what "real life" scenarios may come your way! I'm proud to say many previous students have earned their therapy certification and have been out in the world actively supporting so many. I'M SO PROUD OF EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM!

If it is your desire to become a certified therapy team with your dog for hospital visits, school visits, hospice, attend reading groups or any other situation that could benefit from the love and support of you and your dog? This class is for you!